The Classic VCA model emulates the DBX 160 line of compressors/limiters.Ĭonsidered one of the best drum compressors ever, the original dbx 160 has a proven track record. The Rev E “Blackface” revision earned the “LN” (Low Noise) badge after UREI’s Brad Plunkett lowered the noise level, increased linearity, and made other changes. The design of the unit also went through numerous changes over the decades. The first revision represented a breakthrough in limiter technology because it was the first true peak limiter to feature all-transistor circuitry and ultra-fast FET gain reduction. designed the original Universal Audio 1176 compressor in 1967. Some run audio through the 1176 with the compression turned off, just for the desirable tone it imparts. The 1176 also has a very distinctive sound even when it is not compressing because of its unique circuitry. When driven hard, it adds some in-your-face edge making it widely used as a drum compressor. The Studio FET’s aggressive sound delivers a sense of “energy” that adds brightness and presence to anything that runs through it. It’s lightning-fast attack and release times are ideal for taming drums, enhancing bass or guitars, and bringing vocals to the front of the mix. Renowned for lending its character and punch to some of the greatest recordings in history, the 1176 is a favorite among producers and engineers. The Studio FET emulates the UREI/Universal Audio 1176 Rev E “Blackface” Compressor/Limiter. Tom Lord-Alge, Grammy Award-winning Recording/Mixing Engineer Studio FET I always put finished, stereo mixes through the Focusrite. It’s also the choice compressor for many of the world’s finest mix engineers such as Chris Lord-Alge, who religiously place’s his Red 3 on the mix bus. To this day, it remains among Focusrite’s most prosperous and recognizable hardware products. Its success earned the Red 3 a TEC award for Outstanding Technical Achievement in the Signal Processing Technology category. It features a single-VCA design to achieve high quality and truly independent compression and limiting. The Red 3 is a dual mono/stereo compressor/limiter that hit the markets in 1994. Both compression and limiting also offer peak response rather than averaging RMS which ensures a superb transient response. Although the Studio VCA sounds transparent, you can give your sounds more analog vibe with distortion control. The Studio VCA model works great on the mix bus as well as bass, vocals, and guitars because of its fast and tight response. This emulation is fully discrete and balanced, meaning it’s very clean sounding and doesn’t color the sound like other analog compressors. The Focusrite Red range is famous for its ability to maintain a natural sound, even when pushing the compression hard. The Studio VCA is an emulation of the Focusrite Red 3 Dual Compressor/Limiter. There is also a distortion option to add some grit whenever you want the precision of a digital compressor and color of analog hardware. Furthermore, the Platinum Digital works great on just about any sound. It has a very transparent sound, and the transient response is clean and fast. This model is Logic Pro’s native digital compressor. This guide breaks down each of the different emulations as well as offers insight into why their hardware counterparts are so revered. The new Logic Pro X Compressor features six analog circuit types that emulate legendary hardware compressors. One of the best feature improvements introduced in Logic Pro X is the redesigned Compressor plugin.

However, I tend to gravitate to Logic most of the time.I just find it easier to get things done I like the workflow and I prefer the look of the mixer.This guide explains the different Logic Pro X Compressor emulations and explores the history behind each model’s analog counterpart. These are my own, personal opinions, they are both excellent in their own right. There is a nominal fee for major updates (not a big deal)Ĭan be fussy about imported video formats It is now quite similar to Logic's layout, where you can see everything on a single monitorĮxcellent routing options if you use VEPro (which I do) Rock solid (believe it or not, I have had good luck on Sierra) I find it to be a PITA when recording audio (but that's just me) Uninspiring interface (although I do like 10.3 a lot better) Tons of tutorials online, and good support resources Logic Remote is very handy, I use it regularly
#Logic pro 9 vs x movie#
I use both Logic X and Cubase 9, both are excellent.Ĭan export movie clips with audio embedded (which is great if you send cues to directors for approval, etc) I'm pretty sure Steinberg now offers a machine license, so the dongle isn't required.